If you own an agency, chaos might be a constant companion for you and your team. Handling multiple projects for so many clients is definitely not an easy task.
Things go wrong, assets go missing, and everything that screams chaotic happens at an agency. Although, you love it because the end output is worth it. But dealing with so many clients altogether at once takes a toll. Mistakes are bound to happen. We are not perfectionists.
But technology can be your assistant. Don’t worry; we are not letting technology replace you! Just helping you stay more organized and spread your collateral across in a synchronized manner.
An agency had to run an end-of-season campaign for all the 15 ecommerce brands they handle. There were 5 account managers handling 3 of them each. The marketing materials were in bulk, and it was harder to detect which was the final output after so many changes. It took time to go through the mail chain too. It was sale season for the brands but an ail one for the managers.
Now imagine instead of all the treasure-hunting they went through to find the correct assets, they could have taken help from Lariat. Final versions, collections for different brands, and accessibility to the copywriting and designing team could have all been easier with Lariat.